
New ArchiFrame for Archicad 28: Meet the new features

The new ArchiFrame for Archicad 28 is here

We are excited to announce the new ArchiFrame is here: we hope you enjoy the features we have added to this new ArchiFrame for the Archicad 28 release. Top release features in our video below.

New ArchiFrame features

Check out the video above for a detailed run-down of the new ArchiFrame features.
Here are some of our favourite ArchiFrame features we think you will enjoy:
  • Automatically updating layouts” function is now working! This long-awaited fix to the automatically updating views’ function will help you save time and ensure you don’t have to keep switching between Archicad and ArchiFrame 
  • A new tool for Metal Connectors has been added to ArchiFrame. 
  • BoardPanel Views improvements have been made. These marking texts can also be freely composed, and they can be controlled in the XML file.
  • Machinings can now be copy-pasted from one Archicad project to another. 
  • Randek Export is now supported! We have added CNC support for the Randek framing station (using CDT version 3.1).
  • Planks can now explode their surrounding insulation into multiple pieces. This happens automatically as planks are moved/added or deleted in an element. Insulation settings can be controlled in the “core” layer settings to control how big a plank needs to be to explode the insulation. 
  • New_lifting_support_blocks: you can now automatically create support blocks with the surrounding drillings.
  • There are new settings to Saw Cuts. The layer thickness will determine the depth of the cut when marking it zero. Positive values for moving the saw will move it outwards. A negative value will move it inwards. Adding millings to inner corners will create neat corners. 
  • Angled Double Top & Bottom Double: the top- and bottom function also handles angled parts.  
  • New built-in layouts! We’ve created three new layout templates that come with the ArchiFrame package. With all of these new layout templates you have the choice to turn projections on or off. 


Remember that for more information regarding any of these options and related settings you can refer to the manual by pressing Alt+Shift+F1 or following the link in the video description. Please download the latest ArchiFrame from your customer area if you are an ArchiFrame user and feel free to provide feedback on any of these new features. Remember, these are not all the changes and features we have included in ArchiFrame.

Working with a new feature? To get more information please remember that you can get context sensitive help from any place pressing keys Alt+Shift+F1, in Mac Option+Shift+F1.

Try out the new ArchiFrame yourself

Get the latest version of ArchiFrame by logging into the customer area here.  In the customer area you can also download a detailed list of the 100s of new features added to this version of ArchiFrame.

To use all new features in your own projects, please update your ArchiFrame add-on and ArchiFrame library.

We are committed to supporting all new ArchiFrame features for the latest Archicad, as well as the two older Archicad releases. For ArchiFrame Archicad 28 version we support all versions, starting from Archicad 22. Apple Silicon version is included starting from AC26, the Mac bundle is now universal containing both Intel and ARM-versions.

Is there an ArchiFrame feature you want us to include next time? Let us know!


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