ArchiFrame: Archicad add-on

An Archicad framing add-on for timber construction (design to production), and steel framing. Keep everything in a single Archicad file.

Wood modeling & framing for better wood buildings

Transform an architectural drawing into a structure with realistic rendering and control the design right down to each individual plank. The ArchiFrame add-on transforms Archicad into a complete design tool for wooden structures so that architects and engineers can collaborate in a single synced Archicad file. 

ArchiFrame can build the structural framework for walls, frames, column/beam structures, intermediate floors, and roof structures. 

ArchiFrame makes it possible to infinitely reshape wooden planks and beams. Duplicate, rotate, and output wooden elements to CNC and manufacture quickly and easily with less errors. 

Efficient BIM workflow takes you from the architect’s computer straight to the production line and helps you scale the manufacture of prefabricated elements.

Modeling tool for wood structural design

ArchiFrame offers you the best of both worlds: work off an architectural model (removing the need for expensive remodeling), or simply create a complete wood structure like a traditional timber home from scratch. 

As well as timber new builds, ArchiFrame is suitable for renovation, refurbishment,and retrofit building projects. It works alongside your existing Archicad program and is the wood framing tool of choice for any kind of wooden building anywhere. 

Archicad has plenty of powerful tools like TeamWork™, multiple import and export options, and the ability to overlay MEP engineering over a structural model for collision checking

  • Draft wood structures in one click and get instant design feedback.
  • Innovative features like automated and editable elevation save on project costs.
  • Everything you need is inside a single Archicad file – including 3D models and 2D elevations with semi-automated layouts and listings.
  • Individual planks can be hand-manufactured using ArchiFrame dimension drawings and cut lists, or produced directly with CNC.
  • Embrace the freedom to edit each individual piece. Print and change your graphics, layouts and blueprints whenever you need to.
  • Work with either metric or imperial measurements: ArchiFrame is fully compatible with imperial measurements (this can be updated via settings at any time).

Why use ArchiFrame?

Architectural design benefits

  1. Design iteration is seamless with ArchiFrame: collaboratively update designs and models throughout the architectural and planning phases.
  2. Use ArchiFrame to pass on key information quickly and concisely using accurate data and visual information.
  3. Architects and engineers always work on one comprehensive design file, reducing scope for error.
  4. ArchiFrame works for both big and small building projects and is an infinitely flexible design and modeling tool.
  5. ArchiFrame has excellent visualization features, as well as the ability to further extend its native visualization with tools like RENDERLights.

Structural engineering benefits

  1. No more copying models from one program to another: say goodbye to error-prone re-modeling from the architect’s original plans. Using ArchiFrame means having everything in the same model from day one which will save you time and money.
  2. Modeling freedom: every plank is individual and fully editable, giving you infinite flexibility and scope.
  3. You can modify your design in any view – including element elevations.
  4. Easy collision checking.

BIM software features and workflows

  1. Take advantage of all the flagship Archicad features you know and love: e.g. TeamWork™ available in both Windows and Mac.
  2. Archicad users won’t need to re-learn the base program in order to use ArchiFrame – start creating immediately.
  3. ArchiFrame software has already spread to over 20 countries, powered by its advanced tools and the lively Archicad customer community.
  4. The continuous development and addition of new features to ArchiFrame ensures that the program is co-owned with its users.
  5. Highly customizable BIM software via XML settings and scripts.
Hundegger speed cut
Weinmann cut saw
Essetre cut saw
Stromab cut saw
Randek cut saw
Weinman framing station
Mobi-One framing station

Element production benefits & CNC

We offer CNC support to help clients with element production, offsite building, and prefabrication.

Currently we offer CNC support for BTL, or BTLx, or BTL CLT, or EasyFrame EZF, or Hundegger BVX, or Hundegger BVX2, or MiTek EHX, or Randek SPL728, or Randek CDT4, or Spida SSF, or Weinmann WUP

  • BVN and BVX: Hundegger k2, speed cut, CLT-processing machine
  • BTL: Weinmann cut saw, Essetre cut saw, Stromab cut saw, Salvador cut saw
  • BTL: Mobi-One framing stations
  • BTL: Tigerstop cut saw as custom solution
  • BTL: CLT processing using DDX Software Solution’s products (
  • WUP: Weinmann framing stations and cut saws
  • Randek cut saws 
  • TXT: Sawteq board cutting station as A custom solution.


More details in our CNC guide. In addition to manual assembly that most of our customers are currently using, we offer CNC support.

Wooden wall framing & structures

  • Automatically drawn dimension lines
  • Automatically generated cut lists
  • Editable in elevation, floor plan and 3D
  • Projections available from front, top, back and below
  • Exterior paneling: weatherboards, exterior cladding & split paneling

Light-gauge steel framing

ArchiFrame also supports light-gauge steel framing, and this is something we are keen to expand on. Read our steel framing blog for more info and videos.

Multiple structural layers

  • Real world layers and rotations
  • Automatic connections at corners
  • Adjustable rules for studs and planks at corners
  • Re-angle and organize wooden beams and planks

Roof structures

  • Drawing planes to guide tilted pieces
  • Support for timber frame joint types (e.g. dovetail or tenon & mortise) and simpler angled cuts etc.
  • Create support trusses
  • Adjust rafters to the valley rafter and place valley & hip rafters easily

Timber flooring & floor structures

  • Floor beams automatically matched to the construction grid
  • Full control of every single beam
  • Steel beam cuts made using the ArchiFrame groove tool
  • Makes cresting wooden flooring as easy as creating walls
  • I-beams with plywood reinforcements (used in this example)

Output from BIM software directly to:

  • Dimension drawings for manual manufacturing
  • Cut lists (xls or txt)
  • Prints
  • CNC Hundegger bvn, btl and wup for Weinmann

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