AF Start – Free BIM toolkit for architects

Creating a house in Archicad?

Model the structure with ease and efficiency using ArchiFrame Start.

AF Start is an ArchiFrame toolkit developed for architects and building designers to help bridge the gap between design and production.

Free tools included*


Fascia tool

Model fascia boards with Archicad’s profile beam tool. ArchiFrame learns
your process and applies your fascia boards to any roof at the push of a button.



Add cover boards to your corners with precision


Add and edit planks

Create a wide range of planks


Convert to planks

Convert selected Archicad walls, beams, or columns into ArchiFrame planks


Cut and join

Cut and join planks in a variety of ways


Adjust endings

Combine planks and easily edit plank joins and endings


Adjust operators and markings

Join target planks to operators, or trim planks to size e.g. to fit a roof


Balk joints

Make balk joints, with either the balk intact or narrowed



Cut grooves into specific elements

* AF Start will be available for free until October 2025, for at least two years.

“ArchiFrame's Fascia tool makes it much easier to model standard eaves and gable boards here at Kontio. Using this tool, we save time that we can then use on actual design work instead of messing around with small details. Using this tool, I calculate that we will save an average of 20 minutes per model, giving us on average 670 hours more annually for actual design work.”

Samuli Kokko

Project Lead, Kontiotuote Oy, Finland

Introducing your free tools

Fascia tool

Model fascia boards with Archicad’s profile beam tool. ArchiFrame learns your process and applies your fascia boards to any roof at the push of a button.

Using the fascia tool is easy:

  1. Model a single roof with its related fascia boards using the Archicad roof and profile beam tool
  2. Select the roofs and related fascia beams
  3. Teach the process to ArchiFrame
  4. Apply the learned process to any new roofs with a single click.

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Use the ArchiCorners tool to help you model corners and save your own presets to speed up the modeling process.

To start the tool, there must be at least two selected walls. If the selection also contains roofs, those are used to trim the corner plank tops. Read more..

Add and edit planks

Add planks to your design and customize them freely.
The tool includes a drawing plane concept to easily add angled roof structures to your floor plan.

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Tidying up the Walls and Roof
Creating a roof structure

Convert to planks

Convert selected Archicad walls, beams or columns into ArchiFrame planks. 
The converted planks can be processed with all the ArchiFrame tools and with a full ArchiFrame license it is even possible to generate exact CNC-data.

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Cut and join

Cut ArchiFrame-planks in 3D, the floor plan, sections/elevations with line(s) or a single click. Join back together if needed.

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Adjust endings

This tool combines planks from their ends, halving the angle and leaving the desired gap between the planks. Read more…

Adjust operators and markings

This tool is used to adjust planks to another plank or any plane picked from the 3D-model. In addition, it allows adding markings to the connections.

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Balk joints

Connect intersecting beams narrowing both beams or just part of the connected beams.

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This tool is like Archicad’s solid element operation/subtract except you get all the ArchiFrame features with it: detailed dimension drawing and CNC-output. 

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Features chart

The features below are not included in AF Start

Element tools
Truss tools
Foundation drawing tools
Extended plank tools
Dimension drawings
Quantity takeoffs and cnc-files

AF Start – Perfect design package for creators

Try AF Start to help free up your time when designing houses in Archicad. Automate and speed up key processes so that you can spend more time on what matters: creating great houses. Completely free – try it yourself to see how its features work to support your designs.


The full Archicad extension for wooden structures

AF Start

The ArchiFrame toolkit developed especially for architects

AF Edu for students

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AF Trial

Try ArchiFrame for free for one month